az - Invasive species field guide

Southwest Vegetation Management Association (SWVMA) is an organization that inreases awareness about invasive vegetation and fosters cooperation between vegetation managers.

I worked with their team of biologists to develop illustrated educational field guides to help identify the TOP 24 non-native invasive plant species throughout Arizona. These will be used to help the state of Arizona educate and increase awareness of the importance of invasive species management and their removal in an accessible format.

Created and customized for the webpage, annual conferences, and tabling events as well as a resource for the public, partner agencies and orgs.

SWVMA - Invasive Species field guides

Creative direction, illustrations, field guide & flyer design, update logo to be used across their website, merch, printed materials and social media.


Illustrator, creative direction, field guide & flyer design, update logo to be used across their website, merch,


Illustration, designer


Top 12 Invasive plants in Southern/central az

Top 12 Invasive plants in Northern az